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Dog Daycare Start Up Manual Intro

Why we decided to make the Dog Daycare Start Up Manual Free to the Public.


At Paws we are committed to promoting public awareness and acceptance for Dog Daycares nation wide. In releasing this manual to the public we hope to educate those individuals that are truly interested in Starting a Dog Daycare of their very own. We also feel that this information is something that should be freely available as a resource for those that desire to learn as much as they can about the Dog Daycare Business before risking financial ruin starting one unprepared.


When we started our first Dog Daycare, it seemed as if there was a secret society controlling all of the necessary information and those that did offer packages or guides charged a ridiculously hefty premium, and the reality was that the vast majority of these products were filled with vagaries and useless information. It also became apparent that the majority of the so called Experts and web sites that sell similar products have never spent day one actually operating a successful and profitable Dog Daycare Business.


The Dog Daycare Manual has been broken down by chapters with each chapter representing a web page under the "How to Start a Dog Daycare" section of this site. Some pages (chapters) have as many as 15 Sub Chapters, these are displayed as additional links within the page that corresponds to that chapter.


If you like the information provided, please tell others or post links to these pages or to the Paws home page and prevent others from being swindled into paying for information that should be free in the first place.


Anyways Enjoy!!!!!




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