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No-Sit Grooming Post

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No Sit Grooming Post

No-Sit Grooming Post


I don’t particularly like about this device due to the fact that it connects or straps over and around just behind the shoulders. The reason being that most groomers, myself included like to start the clippers somewhere towards the base of the neck and make a smooth continuous  run down the back to the base of the tail. With this device in place you would have to start above it, then stop, go around it and then continue. In my experience stopping and starting in this area tends to make a groom look choppy. The disputed area, the shoulders, hackles, front of ribs etc. generally consist of long hairs that flow backwards towards the tail and downwards at a 45 degree angle off the ribs towards the lower chest and belly. These are areas that while clipping you want to be able to trim in one smooth continuous motion in order to get the desired look. With this item the hairs around it are all bunched up so if you come to close from the neck area the hairs around it will get cut too short as they are standing and not lying naturally with the body. The same applies for the hairs directly after the strap. If you look at the image above you can see the hilly terrain created by this device as it attached to the animal’s body. Look and you will see the big lump of skin and fur in front of the device directly below the neck, the depression where the device wraps around the dog and another lump of skin and fur directly after the device. When grooming you want as smooth a canvas as possible to work with in order to get the best look possible. Grooming clippers are not a dune buggy; therefore I do not want to have to go Baja-ing over hills and through valleys when grooming a dog if at all possible. 

Another drawback to this item is that you have to move the dog about and cannot readily move just the strap. When using a standard grooming arm with a belly strap, I can simply slide the strap forward or backwards to work around it without losing any lifting advantage it is applying to the dog. This can generally be accomplished with a couple of fingers on one hand while steadily operating the clippers with the other hand. With this device I would have to sit the clippers down, reposition the dog within the device so that the strap is either above or below where it was previously and then start again. 

As with any grooming item, some groomers will swear by this thing and tout it as the next best thing since sliced bread. As for me I have seen it in operation once with a groomer I hired, I watched her use it, I tried it, and found it to be cumbersome. I then showed her how to properly use a belly strap and never saw it again.

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