Desert Rose
A species of flowering plant in the dogbane family, Adenium obesum (Desert Azalea, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, Kudu Lily) has long been used as a poison. Native to the Sahel regions, south of the Sahara (from Mauritania and Senegal to Sudan), and tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa and Arabia, the Adenium obesum can now commonly be found in homes and garden centers for its colorful violet/red flowers. In ancient Africa clear up until the 1980’s, various tribes would use the twigs, bark and sap of the plant to produce a powerful toxin for hunting. This was generally accomplished by pulverizing the twigs and bark into a putty, then boiling with water over an open fire until all that remained was a paste like substance, which they would then dip their arrowheads into. Surprisingly powerful, these poison arrows could bring down large game, which usually died with 2 miles of where it was shot.
The plant was and still is an important component of traditional medicine. In Somalia the roots are mashed then boiled in water to make nose drops for a stuffed up nose. In Sahel another decoction is used to treat venereal diseases and as a lotion to treat skin diseases and kill lice. The latex of the plant is also used for tooth decay and as a disinfectant for septic wounds. In Kenya the bark is used as an abortifacient and chewed as a primitive form of “plan B” to induce abortion. The stems are also powdered and applied to livestock such as camels and cattle to kill skin parasites.
”In Adenium obesum the presence of some 30 cardiotoxic glycosides has been demonstrated, which act in a similar way as digitalis from Digitalis. Digitalis acts upon the Na+K+-ATPase enzyme that regulates the concentrations of Na+ and K+ ions in body cells and so also modifies the Ca++ concentration. In low doses it is used to treat congestive heart failure (CHF) and heart rhythm problems (atrial arrhythmias), but in high doses it leads to systolic heart failure and death.
”Several of the cardiac glycosides from Adenium obesum have oleandrigenin as aglycone moiety, e.g. hongheloside A (with D-cymarose), hongheloside C (with D-cymarose and D-glucose) and 16-acetylstrospeside (with D-digitalose). Other glycosides include: hongheline (composed of digitoxigenin with D-thevetose), somaline (composed of digitoxigenin with D-cymarose) and digitalinum verum (composed of gitoxigenin with D-digitalose and D-glucose). The roots and stems contain the same glycosides and in similar amounts. Oleandrigenin and some of the glycosides derived from it have cytotoxic effects and are being studied as potential components of anticancer drugs.
The ethanol extract of the roots slows down the growth of Bacillus subtilis, but has not shown activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus or Candida albida. Extracts from the root have shown a cytotoxic effect against several carcinoma cell lines. The aqueous stem bark extract is a potential acaricide as it shows high toxicity on all stadia of development of the ticks Amblyomma spp. and Boophilus spp.
Although the plant is described as extremely distasteful and it is unlikely that a pet could tolerate consuming large quantities, it only takes a small amount to be lethal. Induce Vomitin (the vomitus should be considered toxic and may result in additional intoxication and should be handled as a toxic substance), Gastric Lavage to remove any undigested plant matter, Seek Emergency Veterinary Treatment. Medications to counteract the effect on the heart may be necessary. In many cases even with prompt veterinary treatment the animal will still die.