Japanese Show Lily Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Japanese Show Lily
Scientific Name:
Lilium speciosum
Poisoning Symptoms:
vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, depression, lack of urination caused by kidney failure, death.
Additional Information:
The only definitive way to diagnose Japanese Show Lily Ingestion is to either observe the cat eating lilies or to observe lily fragments in the expelled vomitus. It is extremely important that you seek Veterinary Attention Immediately to ensure the proper treatment and potentially preserve the animal’s life.
First Aid:
Immediate action for Japanese Show Lily ingestion consists of using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting thus emptying the stomach and preventing further absorption of the toxin. The pet then needs to be taken immediately to the nearest veterinary facility where they can begin a 25 hour fluid therapy for diuresis to ensure the kidneys continue to function properly and administer necessary medications.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Cats