Poison Plants For Pet Symbol

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Raisins and Grapes are Poisonous To Pets

Plant Name: 
Raisins and Grapes
Unknown Mycotoxin
Poisoning Symptoms: 
Vomiting, diarrhea (may have undigested raisons or grapes in stool, or vomitus), lack of appetite, sluggishness and inactivity, increased drinking, and abdominal pain, complete kidney failure possible within 48 hours from time of ingestion.
Additional Information: 
Although the specific toxin in grapes/raisons that effects dogs in unknown, both can cause complete kidney failure and death in a dog from as little as a few ounces. Do not leave grapes or raisons in a location that your dog may gain unrestricted access to them.
First Aid: 
Induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry, Seek Veterinary Attention.
Species Affected: 
Toxic To Dogs
Toxic To Cats
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