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starting your own dog daycare

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What size building do I need?

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shop4528's picture
Joined: 08/19/2012
Posts: 1

I'm looking for a building for doggy daycare/boarding/grooming. I would like to keep the operation small and manageable, but obviously it has to be big enough to make a living from it. Do you have any suggestions on how to determine the size of building needed? For the daycare area, is there a guideline for how many dogs will fit in an area?


Bandit's picture
Joined: 05/03/2008
Posts: 260
What Size

The real answer to this question is going to revolve around what your expenses will be, ie. rent, utilities, employees etc. The lower you keep your operating costs the less you need to bring in to be profitable.

In regards to size, this of course is going to depend on the demographics in your area. I have seen small successful 1500 sq/ft facilities in strip malls, that have an area for little dogs, some grooming, a few boarding cages, and a lot of boutique style retail that are very profitable.

As for a guideline of how many dogs will fit in a specific area, I would say you need at least 20 sq/ft per dog.

Again the most important thing is operating costs, if you can keep those low, then it takes less income to be considered profitable..

Remember it's not what you make, it's what you keep that makes you profitable.