Dog Daycare, Dog Boarding, and Dog Grooming - PAWS
Macadamia Nuts Are Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Macadamia Nuts
Scientific Name:
Macadamia integrifolia
Specific Toxin Unknown, Only shows as elevated serum lipase activities on blood tests.
Poisoning Symptoms:
depression , uncontrollable increase in body temperature, weakness, tremors, stiffness of the muscles, vomiting, increased heart rate.
Additional Information:
Macadamia Nuts, (aka. Australian Nuts, Queensland Nut, Bauple Nut, Bush Nut and Maroochi Nut) are commercially produced nuts that are commonly eaten individually, or are found as ingredients in certain cookies and candies. These nuts are toxic to dogs and clinical signs may develop from as little as 10g/kg of body weight, with symptoms generally including vomiting, ataxia (gross loss of coordinated muscle movements), weakness, depression, inability to stand and hyperthermia (uncontrollable increase in body temperature).
First Aid:
Administering a mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting will empty the stomach of any undigested nuts, preventing further absorption/digestion of toxins, once vomiting ceases administering activated charcoal with a cathartic (a substance which accelerates defecation) such as 70% sorbitol will speed the passage of nuts through the digestive system and reduce the absorption/digestion of toxins. Most animals make a full recovery within 24-48 hours. Consult A Veterinarian.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Dogs
Tiger Lily Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Tiger Lily
Scientific Name:
Lilium tigrinum
Poisoning Symptoms:
Vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, depression, lack of urination caused by kidney failure, death.
Additional Information:
The only definitive way to diagnose Tiger Lily Ingestion is to either observe the cat eating lilies or to observe Tiger Lily fragments in the expelled vomitus. It is extremely important that you seek Veterinary Attention Immediately to ensure the proper treatment and potentially preserve the animal’s life.
First Aid:
Immediate action for lily ingestion consists of using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting thus emptying the stomach and preventing further absorption of the toxin. The pet then needs to be taken immediately to the nearest veterinary facility where they can begin a 24 hour fluid therapy for diuresis to ensure the kidneys continue to function properly and administer necessary medications.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Cats
Japanese Show Lily Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Japanese Show Lily
Scientific Name:
Lilium speciosum
Poisoning Symptoms:
vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, depression, lack of urination caused by kidney failure, death.
Additional Information:
The only definitive way to diagnose Japanese Show Lily Ingestion is to either observe the cat eating lilies or to observe lily fragments in the expelled vomitus. It is extremely important that you seek Veterinary Attention Immediately to ensure the proper treatment and potentially preserve the animal’s life.
First Aid:
Immediate action for Japanese Show Lily ingestion consists of using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting thus emptying the stomach and preventing further absorption of the toxin. The pet then needs to be taken immediately to the nearest veterinary facility where they can begin a 25 hour fluid therapy for diuresis to ensure the kidneys continue to function properly and administer necessary medications.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Cats
Stargazer Lily Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Stargazer Lily
Scientific Name:
Lilium orientalis
Poisoning Symptoms:
Vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, depression, lack of urination caused by kidney failure, death.
Additional Information:
The only definitive way to diagnose Stargazer Lily Ingestion is to either observe the cat eating lilies or to observe Stargazer Lily fragments in the expelled vomitus. It is extremely important that you seek Veterinary Attention Immediately to ensure the proper treatment and potentially preserve the animal’s life.
First Aid:
Immediate action for lily ingestion consists of using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting thus emptying the stomach and preventing further absorption of the toxin. The pet then needs to be taken immediately to the nearest veterinary facility where they can begin a 24 hour fluid therapy for diuresis to ensure the kidneys continue to function properly and administer necessary medications.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Cats
Wood Lily Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Wood Lily
Scientific Name:
Lilium philadelphicum
Poisoning Symptoms:
Vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, depression, lack of urination caused by kidney failure, death.
Additional Information:
The only definitive way to diagnose Wood Lily Ingestion is to either observe the cat eating Wood Lilies or to observe Wood lily fragments in the expelled vomitus. It is extremely important that you seek Veterinary Attention Immediately to ensure the proper treatment and potentially preserve the animal’s life.
First Aid:
Immediate action for Wood lily ingestion consists of using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting thus emptying the stomach and preventing further absorption of the toxin. The pet then needs to be taken immediately to the nearest veterinary facility where they can begin a 25 hour fluid therapy for diuresis to ensure the kidneys continue to function properly and administer necessary medications.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Cats
Red Lily Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Red Lily
Scientific Name:
Lilium philadelphicum
Poisoning Symptoms:
vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, depression, lack of urination caused by kidney failure, death.
Additional Information:
The only definitive way to diagnose Red Lily ingestion is to either observe the cat eating lilies or to observe lily fragments in the expelled vomitus. It is extremely important that you seek Veterinary Attention Immediately to ensure the proper treatment and potentially preserve the animal’s life.
First Aid:
Immediate action for lily ingestion consists of using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting thus emptying the stomach and preventing further absorption of the toxin. The pet then needs to be taken immediately to the nearest veterinary facility where they can begin a 25 hour fluid therapy for diuresis to ensure the kidneys continue to function properly and administer necessary medications.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Cats
Mother In Law Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Mother-In-Law Plant
Scientific Name:
Kalanchoe tubiflora
Oxalates that bind with calcium in the blood to form calcium oxalate crystals
Poisoning Symptoms:
Intense sensation of burning in the mouth, throat, lips and tongue, excessive drooling, choking and swelling, inability or difficulty swallowing, Ingestion of larger quantities, can result in severe digestive upset, extreme difficulty in breathing, rapid shallow gasps, if to much is consumed the symptoms become much more severe and can include any of the above with the addition of convulsions, renal failure, coma and death. It is possible to recover from severe calcium oxalate poisoning, however in most cases permanent liver, and kidney damage may have already occurred.
Additional Information:
Hypocalcaemia (the presence of low serum calcium levels in the blood) and/or Oxalate Nephrosis ( Kidney disease that is characterized by the formation of lesions of the epithelial lining of the renal tubules), can also occur. Upon ingestion of Mother In Law which contains oxalates, the oxalates will be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract to bind with the serum calcium in the blood forming calcium oxalate crystals and depleting the blood of its normal calcium levels causing hypocalcaemia. This lack of unbound body regulated calcium in the blood stream will impair the function of the cell membrane causing muscular tremors, lethargy due to weakness, collapse and quite possibly death. It is the formation of these insoluble calcium oxalate crystals and the bodies attempt to process them that causes irreversible kidney damage, that may lead to eventual renal failure.
First Aid:
Upon ingestion of plants containing oxalates, the mouth should be rinsed and flushed thoroughly with water. The dog can then be given yogurt, milk, cheese or any other source of calcium to prevent the onset of hypocalcaemia by precipitating soluble oxalates. You should also begin fluid therapy to promote urination and assist the body in removing the non soluble oxalate crystals. Oxalate Nephrosis is not reversible, leaving supportive care as the only available treatment option. Seek Veterinary Attention.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Dogs
Toxic To Cats
Kalanchoe Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Scientific Name:
Kalanchoe spp
Bufodienalides associated with cardiac glycosides, that affect the central nervous system and heart.
Poisoning Symptoms:
Vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate. bufodienalides are cardio toxic.
Additional Information:
Bufodienalides are cardio toxic.
First Aid:
Prevent Further Ingestion of the Plant, Induce Vomiting using 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, Consult a Veterinarian.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Dogs
Toxic To Cats
Easter Lily Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Easter Lily
Scientific Name:
Lilium longiflorum
Glycosides, Bufadienolides, veratrin, prtoanemonin, anemonol, ranunculol
Poisoning Symptoms:
Vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, depression, lack of urination caused by kidney failure, death.
Additional Information:
The only definitive way to diagnose Easter Lily Ingestion is to either observe the cat eating lilies or to observe Easter lily fragments in the expelled vomitus. It is extremely important that you seek Veterinary Attention Immediately to ensure the proper treatment and potentially preserve the animal’s life.
First Aid:
Immediate action for lily ingestion consists of using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting thus emptying the stomach and preventing further absorption of the toxin. The pet then needs to be taken immediately to the nearest veterinary facility where they can begin a 24 hour fluid therapy for diuresis to ensure the kidneys continue to function properly and administer necessary medications.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Dogs
Toxic To Cats
Toxic To Horses
Iris Is Poisonous To Pets
Plant Name:
Scientific Name:
Iris species
Pentacyclic terpenoids (most concentrated in the rhizome), Alkaloids that irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
Poisoning Symptoms:
Vomiting, occasionally with blood, depression , diarrhea, occasionally with blood, excessive drooling, abdominal pain.
Additional Information:
Poisoning due to Iris ingestion is rare, though there have been reported cases of animals being poisoned by grazing in fields that contained wild Iris Plants and occassionaly dogs will dig up the bulbs and either ingest them entirely or chew on them.
First Aid:
Prevent Further Ingestion of the Plant, Induce Vomiting to remove an undigested portions of the plant. The vomiting and diarrhea should subside within a few hours, if symptoms persist seek supportive care by a veterinarian until the toxin is eliminated.
Species Affected:
Toxic To Dogs
Toxic To Cats
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