My dog has some health problems can he/she still participate in Daycare or Boarding?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:36 — DeveloperWe can not accept Epileptic dogs -- if they have a seizure, other dogs will attack them. We also cannot accept dogs with communicable diseases or parasites. There issues such as ear infections, arthritis, glaucoma, and cancer, which we are usually able to accept.
Why do you require that I spay or neuter my dog before allowing them to participate, even if he/she is a nice dog?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:35 — DeveloperIt has been our experience that intact dogs will be singled out and picked on by dominant male and female members of the pack. As well an intact female may release pheromones when coming into heat that would cause conflict, and instability within the pack. To keep our play regulated and fun and provide a happy, healthy non competitive environment for our our guests we cannot accept intact animals into our facility.
Will my old dog enjoy participating in Daycare?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:34 — DeveloperThis depends on the dog, each dog is different. If your dog is the older mellower type then he/she will be grouped with dogs of a similar temperament, some older dogs enjoy romping around with the young kids, while some prefer to nap on the couches, We let your dog make this decision. There is no forced interaction and each dog is allowed to participate as much or as little as they please in the activities we provide.
Will my dog enjoy participating in the Daycare environment?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:33 — DeveloperIf your dog is not dog friendly, then no, they may not enjoy the daycare environment. Our screening process works to key in on indicators that you dog may not be compatible with the environment of doggy daycare. Some dogs are intimidated by the pack at first but then learn to utilize their instinctive canine socialization skills and fit right in. We provide you feedback on issues that we notice and provide insight into areas you may need to work on before they are allowed to participate.
What do you if a dog gets sick or injured?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:30 — DeveloperIn the event that a serious injury is to occur we will always act in the best interest of the dog. We take them to the closest available veterinary facility to have them treated. In the event that it is a non serious injury will do our best to make arrangements to take them to their own vet. A call is always made to the owner to alert them of any such situation that may arise.
Can my dog be injured while Boarding or at Daycare?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:28 — DeveloperWe do our absolute best to insure the safety and well being of your pet. During rough play it is possible for dogs to get minor scratches and scrapes. Just like kids on a playground sometimes they get a boo boo. Although it has never happened in one of our facilities due to the rigorous screening process and highly skilled staff it is possible for serious injuries to occur, in the event that were to happen we have made arrangements with the closest veterinary hospital to always have an open bed for us.
What is the interview process and temperament evaluation?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:27 — DeveloperThe interview process will generally last between 2-4 hours, the first stage of the interview consists of us reviewing the submitted application and getting to know your dog. The second part of the interview is leading your dog the a separate area and slowly introducing them to select members of the pack observe their socialization abilities and check for aggressive tendencies.
Why do you require an interview and that my dog have a temperament evaluation?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:27 — DeveloperThe interview is conducted to insure that your dog is compatible with the Dog Daycare environment. For the safety and well being of all our guests it is required that all dogs go through a screening process. This gives our staff an assessment as to whether or not your dog will enjoy participating in the daycare process as well at that time we test for aggressive or antisocial behaviors. We insure that all dogs in our facility our safe to interact with other dogs in a pack environment.
What vaccinations do you require for my dog to participate in boarding or daycare?
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 09:25 — DeveloperRabies, DHLPP, Parvo and BORDATELLA