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No Sit Devices


No Sit Devices


My experience with these has been limited to understanding that they are unnecessary. In saying ‘they’ I mean items or accessories that clamp on or otherwise attach to the table in addition to the standard grooming arm in an attempt to prevent the dog from sitting. The first and most obvious problem that I have with items such as these is that they are but one more thing on an already space deprived grooming table. This is an item that must be either attached or detached when not in use and placed or stored somewhere out of the way when not in use, and whose use is so limited (not every dog or every other dog or even every other other dog will need it) that its cost and inconvenience out ways (to me) any benefit that it may have. Typically for dogs that like to sit I will just attach an additional belly strap (groomers noose) from the top of the grooming arm. If it is an aged or otherwise infirmed animal I will fold a hand towel and place it under its belly first and then the belly strap over that for the comfort of the dog. Additionally the only time sitting is a real issue is when you are working on the undercarriage of the dog. In order to keep it simple if you use a simple belly strap you can just lift one rear leg, do your work and then lift the other.


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